SMS Pro Aviation Safety Software Blog 4 Airlines & Airports

Safety Chart: Learning Who Is (or Isn't) Involved in Your Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Dec 4, 2018 5:55:00 AM

Knowing Who Is Involved in Your Aviation SMS

For every aviation safety management system (SMS), the accountable executive must ensure the SMS is properly implemented and performing in all areas of the organization. To achieve this end, safety management teams work to ensure that all personnel participate in the aviation SMS.

Wishes and reality are two different ideas. The reality is that most employees care about the SMS as much as the company's traditional safety program.

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Topics: Risk Management Software

7 Tips Safety Managers Use to Manage Change in Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Dec 2, 2018 4:28:00 AM

Environment Always Changes

Change is an inevitable and constant reality in the aviation industry. A lack of change is tantamount to a lack of growth in an economy.

Likewise, if your aviation safety management system (SMS) is not changing, it’s not improving. "Continuous improvement of the SMS" is the third element of the "Safety Assurance" pillar of ICAO-compliant SMS.

How do you monitor environmental change in your company?

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

How to Optimize Risk Management Processes for Aviation SMS

Posted by Doug Walker on Dec 1, 2018 5:51:00 AM

What Is an SMS Risk Control Process?

A risk control process for an aviation safety management system (SMS) entails a series of risk management tasks that are executed whenever:

  • Hazards are identified;
  • An event has occurred (accident, incident, irregularity); or
  • An audit finding is uncovered (internal as well as external audits).
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Topics: Aviation SMS Implementation

From Reactive to Proactive Hazard Identification in Aviation SMS

Posted by Doug Walker on Nov 30, 2018 5:42:00 AM

Proactive Hazard Identification Saves Lives

Every aviation operation endures varying levels of risk, depending on ever-changing environmental conditions.

The operating environment never remains constant.

No two operations are identical.

Certain factors will always interject uncertainty and risk into the operation, including:

  • Human;
  • Equipment; and
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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

How to Review Aviation SMS Safety Policies - Free Checklist

Posted by Doug Walker on Nov 29, 2018 4:53:00 AM

Aviation Safety Policies Require Review, Didn't You Know?

Safety managers are busy people. After all, they are constantly ensuring SMS documentation requirements are appropriately managed for all four pillars of the aviation safety management system (SMS).

It's easy to let something slip by if there are no mechanisms in place for quality assurance for your aviation SMS.

What does it mean to review the aviation SMS' safety policy?

How is this done?

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Topics: 1-Safety Policy

How to Assign Severity and Likelihood to Issues When Assessing Risk

Posted by Tyler Britton on Nov 28, 2018 4:36:00 AM

What Is a Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is a method you use to rank the risk of safety issues. You will commonly perform risk assessments on reported safety issues and other identified hazards. Assessments are integral to helping you establish whether or not a given issue is within an Acceptable Level of Safety.

Risk assessments use a risk matrix to create composite number/letter grades based on:

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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

How to Earn Top Management Support for Aviation SMS

Posted by Christopher Howell on Nov 27, 2018 6:31:00 AM

Safety Manager Communicates With Upper Management

Aviation safety managers are faced with particular challenges stemming from:

The problem stems from safety managers not speaking the same language as upper-level executives. Imagine dogs trying to communicate with cats.

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Topics: Aviation SMS Implementation

How to Reduce Aviation SMS Risk When Safety Managers Quit

Posted by Christopher Howell on Nov 25, 2018 5:56:00 AM

Aviation Safety Managers Key SMS Personnel

Without fail, every aviation safety manager I have met has the following attributes:

  • Resourceful;
  • Very hard working;
  • Dedicated to the company and task;
  • Articulate; and
  • Competitive.
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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

How to Manage Aviation SMS Without Complex Databases

Posted by Christopher Howell on Nov 24, 2018 5:50:00 AM

Are Aviation SMS Software Programs Necessary?

Most aviation companies are profit-driven. Aviation service providers attempt to provide safe services while providing a return on investment.

Many upper-level managers at smaller companies believe that safety managers don't need modern aviation safety management databases to manage aviation safety management systems (SMS) documentation requirements.

They may be right. Not every company should buy these SMS tools.

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Topics: Risk Management Software

Non-Essential but Important Roles in Aviation SMS Software

Posted by Tyler Britton on Nov 23, 2018 5:17:00 AM

What Are Roles in Aviation Safety Management Systems

Aviation SMS roles are used to organize different responsibilities in your aviation safety program. Each role in your SMS will have separate responsibilities. SMS roles are assigned to each of your employees.

You should develop roles at the very beginning of starting an SMS. Roles provide significant benefits by helping you:

  • Define expectations of different types of employees;
  • Guide employees for what is expected of them in the SMS; and
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Topics: Aviation SMS Implementation

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.



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