SMS Pro Aviation Safety Software Blog 4 Airlines & Airports

What Good Hazard Reporting Process Look Like in Mature Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Apr 17, 2024 6:00:00 AM

What Is the Hazard Reporting Process

Simply put, the hazard reporting process is the primary mode of data acquisition in aviation safety management systems (SMS). Being such, a poor hazard reporting process can literally break your SMS. If that sounds unrealistic, it’s not.

Without data:

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Topics: Aviation SMS Database

3 Benefits of Aviation Safety Management System (SMS) Databases

Posted by Christopher Howell on Aug 10, 2021 7:00:00 AM

What Are the Safety Management System Databases?

In early 2007, when we started designing and developing SMS Pro, I was mildly surprised that many aviation safety managers called a Web application to manage aviation safety events a "safety management system" (SMS) database.

I'm an IT guy, and when I think of a database, I'm thinking about Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, etc.

I believe the confusion comes from pilots who are used to dealing with MS Access databases.

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Topics: Aviation SMS Implementation, Aviation SMS Database

Advanced Aviation SMS: Rewriting Duties to Align with Business Goals

Posted by Christopher Howell on Mar 24, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Aviation SMS Implementations Follow Forked Path

Since November 2006, operators inadvertently followed a forked path while implementing required aviation safety management systems (SMS). In some cases, they made conscious choices, but in most cases, the path they chose was forced upon them due to imperfect information.

I prefer to believe that most who started the SMS journey had hoped that they would succeed and reap the expected rewards while simultaneously improving global transportation system safety. That is a true win-win.

From my global perspective, results have been less than spectacular, but there is hope.

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Topics: Aviation SMS Database, 1-Safety Policy

Advanced Aviation SMS: Generating Profits - First Steps

Posted by Christopher Howell on Feb 17, 2021 6:15:00 AM

Aviation Safety Management Is Business!

For most operators implementing regulatory compliant aviation safety management systems (SMS), their primary business goal was obviously regulatory compliance. Otherwise, thousands of aviation service providers would have initiated aviation SMS before ICAO's November 2006 mandate.

A small percentage of managers believe that their SMS may be able to save money "somehow." Others simply view SMS as a sunk cost and hope that maybe an accident may be prevented.

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Topics: Aviation SMS Database, Safety Culture

5 Best Practices for Data Management in Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Mar 4, 2020 6:30:00 AM

The Importance of Data in Aviation SMS

Highly functioning aviation safety management systems (SMS) always have effective data acquisition and risk management practices. This is not the case for most nascent SMS implementations.

Monitoring SMS performance and spotting safety trends are not at the forefront of most safety managers' minds as they begin their SMS implementations.

Early in this SMS implementation marathon, managers are focused on tasks that don't rely heavily on data acquisition, storage, and organization. These managers rightfully begin educating themselves as to:

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Topics: Aviation SMS Database

What Is Importance of Data Mining in Aviation SMS Implementations

Posted by Tyler Britton on Dec 23, 2019 5:54:00 AM

What Is Data Mining in Aviation SMS?

Data mining is a critical, intermittent risk management activity safety managers need to perform in their aviation safety management systems (SMS) to organize, understand, and process collected safety data acquired during the organization's risk management processes.

Data mining techniques can be performed with a modest, home-grown aviation safety database and simple tools, or with complex software and professional, commercially available aviation safety databases.

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Topics: Aviation SMS Database, 3-Safety Assurance

How to Choose Your Aviation Safety Database Solution

Posted by Christopher Howell on May 27, 2019 6:03:00 AM

Which Aviation Safety Database Should We Choose?

Aviation safety managers become apprehensive at certain points in their careers. We see this frequently when:

  • They are deciding to purchase an aviation safety database solution; or
  • They are setting up a new safety database for their SMS program; or
  • They are assigned to manage an existing aviation SMS database program.
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Topics: Aviation SMS Database

5 Most Important Things to Know Before Buying Aviation SMS Database

Posted by Christopher Howell on Dec 6, 2018 10:00:00 AM

I Don't Need an Aviation SMS Database... or Do I?

Many aviation service providers today are researching features and capabilities to acquire databases to address documentation requirements of their aviation safety management system (SMS). Alternatively, these operators are not looking to acquire an SMS database, but to:

  1. learn how to design an SMS database in-house; or
  2. cobble together single-point solutions to satisfy SMS regulators.

Why are aviation SMS databases important?

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Topics: Aviation SMS Database

Impact of Technology on Aviation Safety

Posted by Mario Pierobon on Oct 26, 2018 5:28:00 AM

Pros and Cons of Technology in Aviation

Technology for a lot of organizations is a key asset, as it is seen as an advantage in the competitive environment; however, from a safety point of view technology is not only an advantage, it also bears possible negative aspects.

In a world where technology is more and more important, people make use of it in more and more aspects of daily life. Nowadays, a lot of tasks are accomplished with the aid of technology or are even done entirely by technology.

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Topics: Aviation SMS Implementation, Aviation SMS Database, 1-Safety Policy

When to Design Your Own Aviation SMS Database

Posted by Christopher Howell on Sep 13, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Do We Need an Aviation Safety Database Yet?

Not every aviation safety manager has a budget. Let's face it. Some safety managers don't know how to ask for a budget.

Many safety managers are part-time safety managers. These are line employees with full-time duties in the position they were formally hired to fill. This may be their first time being exposed to aviation safety management systems (SMS).

Other safety managers are too intimidated to ask for a budget, believing that not being able to "figure it out yourself" is either a sign of:

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Topics: Aviation SMS Database

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.



Benefits of SMS Pro Database

Affordable, Basic Compliance for Small Aviation Service Providers

Best Practices for Aviation SMS


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These two on-demand videos offer:

  • High-level overview of SMS Pro;
  • Hazard Reporting & Risk Management walk-through.
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