SMS Pro Aviation Safety Software Blog 4 Airlines & Airports

Writing Awesome Aviation Safety Policy Statements – With Downloads

Posted by Tyler Britton on Feb 8, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Safety Policy Is the Architecture of Aviation SMS

Aviation safety management systems (SMS) are supported by the safety policy which is endorsed by the organization's accountable executive. The safety policy communicates management's commitment to the SMS while also affording employees protection from self-reporting errors or mistakes.

Aviation SMS safety policy statements are the framework around employees'

  • roles,
  • obligations, and
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Topics: 1-Safety Policy

How to Use Exposure in Aviation Risk Management Processes

Posted by Christopher Howell on Feb 7, 2019 10:00:00 AM

How Well Do You Understand Risk Management in Your SMS?

Aviation safety managers are tasked with managing all aspects of fully implemented aviation safety management systems (SMS). Naturally, most laypersons imagine safety managers reacting to accidents, incidents, and irregularities (issues or events) as their primary job function.

It is also probable that most managers outside the safety department believe safety managers have nothing better to do than sit around waiting for "safety issues" to surface.

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

Privacy, Transparency, and Confidentiality in Aviation Safety Management

Posted by Tyler Britton on Feb 6, 2019 5:24:00 AM

What Are Responsibility, Confidentiality, and Privacy in Aviation Safety Management

In aviation safety management, responsibility, confidentiality, and privacy are the triad that affects how you handle reported safety information. Whether your organization is large or small, your leadership team needs to discuss these factors and decide how to handle them.

Your organization may decide that it doesn’t need to pay particular attention to this triad, or it may draft several pieces of formal documentation and policies about them. Either way, what is important is that as an aviation service provider:

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Topics: 4-Safety Promotion, Quality-Safety Management

How Does Aviation Safety Software Improve Safety? - Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Feb 5, 2019 2:37:58 PM

Aviation Safety Software Prioritizes Safety

Most of us have experienced the following: sitting on the runway for over an hour wondering why the plane isn’t moving. The pilot has already apologized and given the “reason” for the delay: the daunting and nebulous “technical difficulties.”

For passengers, this type of situation is frustrating at best, and at worst unnerving, even scary.

Yet even when sitting on the tarmac, frustrated and confused, passengers should take comfort in the fact that the aviation industry takes countless precautions to keep passengers safe.

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Topics: Risk Management Software

4 Things Safety Managers Do to Perform Well on Aviation SMS Audits

Posted by Tyler Britton on Feb 4, 2019 8:31:48 PM

Aviation Safety Audits: Here to Stay

Another aviation safety audit for your safety management system (SMS)...

The safety auditors are coming with established guidelines from:

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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

Defining Safety Posture in Your Aviation Safety Management System

Posted by Tyler Britton on Feb 4, 2019 5:09:00 AM

What Is Safety Posture in Aviation SMS

Aviation service providers should be aware of what level of risk is and isn’t acceptable. In other words, when you perform a risk assessment on a safety concern, what amount of risk requires mitigating actions, and what amount of risk requires no actions? What amount of risk is acceptable.

Safety posture in SMS is largely about how you define an acceptable level of safety. Different organizations will tolerate different levels of risk.

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Topics: 1-Safety Policy

Best Practices for Safety Accountabilities in Aviation SMS - With Resources

Posted by Christopher Howell on Feb 3, 2019 5:13:00 AM

What Are the Best Practices for Establishing Safety Accountabilities?

One of the first steps in implementing an aviation safety management system (SMS) is to complete the documentation elements in the Safety Policy and Objectives component of an ICAO compliant SMS.

Please note that I said "one of the first steps." Before tackling these documentation elements, we recommend that you first:

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Topics: 1-Safety Policy

How to Measure Safety Performance in Aviation SMS

Posted by Christopher Howell on Feb 1, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Why Do We Measure Aviation Safety Performance?

Aviation safety managers are tasked with a Safety Assurance (SA) element labeled "Continuous Improvement." Not many aviation safety management systems (SMS) training courses go into much detail about "Continuous Improvement" which leaves many safety managers confusedly scratching their heads.

Safety Assurance is the third ICAO component or pillar of an ICAO-compliant SMS framework. Annex 19 - Safety Management and the four components are described in detail in ICAO's Document 9859.

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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

Should Reported Safety Issues Be Confidential in Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Jan 30, 2019 4:45:00 AM

What Is Confidentiality in Aviation SMS

Confidentiality in aviation SMS is how much personal information is included in available safety reports and concerns. When safety issues are reported, employees may or may not have access to details about the reported issue. When employees do have access, or when you release information about a reported issue, you will need to decide if employees can see information like:

  • Names of people involved;
  • Department names;
  • Locations;
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Topics: Safety Culture

3 Tips to Encourage Participation in Aviation SMS

Posted by Christopher Howell on Jan 29, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Most Aviation SMS Suffer From Employee Apathy

Have you been tasked to implement your aviation safety management program (SMS) at your company?

Or perhaps you have inherited a "paper SMS" or one that is dysfunctional?

One of the most common challenges safety managers face is to secure buy-in from all employees to support the SMS both during

  • the planning and implementation phases; and
  • mature safety assurance phases.
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Topics: Aviation SMS Implementation

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.



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