SMS Pro Aviation Safety Software Blog 4 Airlines & Airports

Learn Why Initial SMS Training Is So Crucial for Aviation SMS Success

Posted by Tyler Britton on Nov 20, 2019 5:53:00 AM

What Initial SMS Training Is, and How It’s Different

Since November 2006, most aviation service providers have been required to implement formal aviation safety management systems (SMS). In order to assure compliance, aviation SMS oversight is provided by:

  • Regional civil aviation authorities;
  • Standards setting bodies (IATA, IS-BAO, Flight Safety Foundation, etc.); and
  • Customers requiring SMS implementations from their vendors.
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Topics: Risk Management Training

6 Benefits of Cloud-Based Aviation SMS Data Strategy

Posted by Christopher Howell on Nov 18, 2019 6:01:00 AM

Cloud-Based Aviation SMS May Make Sound Business Sense

Have you been considering the risks of moving your aviation safety management system (SMS) up to the cloud? In the past ten years, many aviation service providers have been moving their SMS data to the cloud for various reasons, but most make sound economic and business sense.

In this article, you will:

  • Learn the benefits of moving your SMS' data management capabilities to the cloud; and
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Topics: Risk Management Software

What Emergency Response Plans Are (and Why You Need It)

Posted by Tyler Britton on Nov 14, 2019 5:50:00 AM

What an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Is

The actions taken within the first 5 minutes of an emergency can largely dictate the severity of consequences. In this case, “severity of consequences” can involve catastrophic financial, environmental or material damage, and/or major loss of life.

Employees need a plan of action to count on when emergencies strike in order to minimize damages.

An emergency response plan is a manual that companies use to address many different types of emergencies.

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Topics: Quality-Safety Management

4 Pillars | 10 Things You Need to Know About Aviation Safety Training

Posted by Christopher Howell on Nov 13, 2019 6:01:00 AM

What Are Safety Training and Education?

Aviation safety training and education is an essential building block for safety culture. Safety culture is understandably important for aviation service providers that are investing in aviation safety management systems (SMS). Without a healthy safety culture, SMS will never deliver the expected results and money will be wasted.

Accountable executives and safety teams must consider whether poor performance of their aviation SMS is a result of a lack of training, or a deeper, more sinister safety culture issue.

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Topics: 4-Safety Promotion

5 Ways to Analyze Risk in Aviation SMS Implementations

Posted by Tyler Britton on Nov 12, 2019 6:11:00 AM

What Is Risk in Aviation SMS Implementations

Risk in aviation safety management systems (SMS) is a tricky subject. Not only is it treated differently in different organizations, but safety professionals tend to get up in arms in front of differing opinions.

The truth is that “risk” is a terribly nebulous word and concept, with multiple ways to use it. What’s important is NOT that you “know what risk is” so much as you “define what risk means to your organization.”

Here are multiple ways that “risk” is used in the risk management industry,

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

4 Pillars | Truth About SMS Continuous Improvement and KPIs – With Free KPI Resources

Posted by Christopher Howell on Nov 11, 2019 5:49:00 AM

What REALLY Is Continuous Improvement in Aviation SMS?

The objectives of every aviation safety management system (SMS) is to:

  • Proactively manage safety in a formal, structured manner;
  • Identify potential operational hazards;
  • Determine risk to operations and affected stakeholders; and
  • Implement control measures to mitigate identified risks.
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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

4 Critical Elements in Your Aviation SMS Safety Policy Component

Posted by Tyler Britton on Nov 6, 2019 6:10:00 AM

Safety Policy Greatly Affects Safety Culture and Safety Performance

"Safety Policy" is a major asset for building an effective safety culture in aviation safety management systems (SMS). An aviation SMS is a complex system of interrelated components and elements, and "Safety Policy" is one of the four SMS components (or pillars). For a quick review, the four SMS components are:

  • Safety Policy;
  • Safety Risk Management (SRM);
  • Safety Assurance (SA); and
  • Safety Promotion.
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Topics: 1-Safety Policy

Why Safety Promotion Component Is the Overlooked Pillar in Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Nov 4, 2019 5:03:00 AM

What Is Safety Promotion Component of 4 Pillars?

Aviation safety management systems (SMS) have been required by most aviation service providers since the November 2006 ICAO mandate. To add structure to SMS implementations and to educate safety professionals, ICAO provides SMS implementation guidance in the form of a Safety Management Manual (SMM), now in the fourth edition.

In the SMM, aviation SMS implementation requirements are logically grouped under four components (also known as four pillars):

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Topics: 4-Safety Promotion

5 Questions to Improve Risk Management Decision Making Processes

Posted by Tyler Britton on Oct 30, 2019 5:59:00 AM

What Risk Management Decisions Are

Risk management decision-making processes will dictate the success of your aviation safety management system (SMS). Period.

Every change, no matter how small, arises from a risk management decision. Decision-making processes in risk management programs are often seen as a formal, documentable process, such as those seen in U.S. military leadership training courses.

Alternatively, risk management decision-making can also be an informal, “everyday” kind of process.

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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

Conducting Investigations in Aviation SMS Risk Management Scenarios

Posted by Tyler Britton on Oct 28, 2019 6:00:00 AM

Importance of Investigations in Aviation Risk Management

Investigations are the cornerstone of quality assurance efforts in aviation safety management systems (SMS). They are an attempt to answer why and how safety events occur. Investigations also commonly occur in response to reactive and proactive risk management activities after safety issues are submitted through the SMS' safety reporting system.

Different organizations use the term investigation differently depending on the context of the investigatory activity and common risk management practices within the organization.

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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.



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