SMS Pro Aviation Safety Software Blog 4 Airlines & Airports

21 Benefits of Risk Management Software for Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Aug 12, 2021 6:09:00 AM

Oversight Agencies Need to Support Risk Management Software

Something we hear about all the time is the general lack of support from regulatory oversight agencies during inspections and audits. This lack of support that safety managers complain about regards the usage of risk management software in audits that aviation service providers use daily to manage their required safety management systems (SMS).

I don't mean to imply that agencies like the FAA, Transport Canada, or EASA are against operators using risk management software by any means,

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Topics: Risk Management Software

3 Levels of Aviation SMS Operational Excellence

Posted by Tyler Britton on Jul 15, 2021 7:00:00 AM

Aviation SMS Structure Is the Backbone of a Safety Program

The management of aviation safety is a shared responsibility among all levels (i.e., stakeholders) of an organization.

Top management has to set the basis for establishing

  • safety culture,
  • safety policy,
  • protections to employees, and
  • the structure for controlling risk.
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Topics: Risk Management Software

Safety Management Systems - Aviation SMS for Small Operators - It's Coming

Posted by Christopher Howell on Apr 27, 2021 6:07:00 AM

SMS Trend Developing Aimed at Smaller Operations

Some countries (Australia and soon Canada) now require even the smaller aviation service providers to participate in safety management system (SMS) activities. This creates multiple challenges for these non-complex operators.

For starters, there is high resistance to change in the cultures of these non-complex operations, most of which never experienced severe losses, such as fatalities or complete loss of aircraft. By their very nature, when a smaller operation suffers a severe accident or incident, it typically obliterates the service provider's business.

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Topics: Risk Management Software

4 Advantages Safety Managers Acquire Using Aviation SMS Software

Posted by Tyler Britton on Nov 3, 2020 6:00:00 AM

No Comparison to Pushing Paper by Hand

Most of us grew up using good old-fashioned pen and paper for just about everything. In fact, for most things, I still prefer it over using my phone or computer.

It’s quick, it’s natural, it’s something we can touch and feel.

But frankly, comparing pen and paper methods to software for managing documentation requirements of formal aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS) is the difference between driving a trusted old pickup and a Formula 1 racing car.

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Topics: Risk Management Software

6 Benefits of Cloud-Based Aviation SMS Data Strategy

Posted by Christopher Howell on Nov 18, 2019 6:01:00 AM

Cloud-Based Aviation SMS May Make Sound Business Sense

Have you been considering the risks of moving your aviation safety management system (SMS) up to the cloud? In the past ten years, many aviation service providers have been moving their SMS data to the cloud for various reasons, but most make sound economic and business sense.

In this article, you will:

  • Learn the benefits of moving your SMS' data management capabilities to the cloud; and
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Topics: Risk Management Software

Why Include Vendors in Aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS)?

Posted by Christopher Howell on Jul 29, 2019 5:55:00 AM

Vendors as Part of Aviation SMS Initiatives

Aviation safety managers, especially at larger airlines and airports have considerable work to perform, including:

  • Learning aviation safety management system (SMS) requirements;
  • Determining which SMS elements already exist in the organization;
  • Documenting a plan to implement missing SMS elements; and
  • Bringing managers and employees into alignment for SMS compliance.
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Topics: Risk Management Software

How to Bring Your Aviation Safety Reporting System to Compliance?

Posted by Christopher Howell on Jul 24, 2019 6:00:00 AM

Legacy Safety Reporting Systems Increase Auditing & Financial Risk

Aviation safety managers commonly tell me that audits become much less painful after switching over to their new aviation safety management system (SMS) database software.

This doesn't mean that their company always passes audits without findings, but auditors love that all SMS documentation requirements are managed within one centralized data management system instead of being scattered around in:

  • File cabinets stuffed with safety reports at different locations;
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Topics: Risk Management Software

Safety Chart: Prioritize Critically Overdue Tasks in Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Jul 13, 2019 6:02:00 AM

Why Overdue Items Safety Chart Is Important

No aviation safety program is perfect.

Safety issues, corrective and preventive actions will inevitably “fall through the cracks” and become overdue while being managed. Problems arise when safety issues and other safety items fall critically behind. This exposes an organization to:

  • Negative feedback on aviation safety audits;
  • Potential litigation; and
  • Negative impacts on aviation safety culture.
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Topics: Risk Management Software

Pros and Cons of Fishbone Diagrams in Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Jun 30, 2019 6:06:00 AM

What Is a Fishbone Diagram for Aviation Safety Programs

Fishbone diagrams are a lesser known but very effective risk management tool in aviation safety management systems (SMS).

Fishbone diagrams get their name because of their fish-like appearance, with several fins and a head. Each “fin” or “branch” of a fishbone diagram describes a different element of the safety issue, such as “Man” and “Machine.” The head describes the Top Event (also known as Risk Event, the point at which safety control is lost).

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Topics: Risk Management Software

Safety Chart: How to Find Bureaucratic Weakness in Business Processes - Aviation SMS

Posted by Christopher Howell on Apr 14, 2019 6:29:00 AM

Why Policies Involved In Issues Charts Matter for Your Aviation SMS

Operational #policies and procedures are the bureaucratic backbones to the success of every organization. The policies and procedures are the recipes or secret sauce that your company uses to deliver its product or service.

The purpose of every aviation safety management system (SMS), besides obviously improving levels of system safety, is to improve operational processes to a point where risk is mitigated as low as reasonably practical (ALARP).

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Topics: Risk Management Software

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.



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