SMS Pro Aviation Safety Software Blog 4 Airlines & Airports

Six Ways to Improve Safety Culture in Aviation SMS

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Apr 24, 2024 6:30:00 AM

Safety Management Systems Bore Most Employees

Six Ways to Improve Safety Culture in Aviation SMS

Unlike those who study and create safety management systems (SMS), to the average employee these programs can be boring.

It’s not that the average employees don’t value safety, it’s just that they need to see how these programs are beneficial to them personally.

So how can we change our safety culture and encourage participation in aviation safety management systems? Below are six ideas on how to get people involved:

Safety Management Systems Should Be Applicable

1. Make SMS Activities Applicable and Specific to Their Job.

Whenever your aviation SMS training becomes too broad and designed to cover every area of the company, the employees will think that it doesn’t apply to them or their role, especially if it is a large company. Customize safety programs and the associated SMS training courses to each department’s specific jobs.

Common sense dictates that employees will increase participation in SMS programs whenever they can see how they benefit.

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Communication Critical to Successful Safety Management Systems

2. Use Plain English to Communicate SMS Principles.

Those who create aviation safety programs know the jargon. But the average employee does not have the time, or the desire, to learn it all.

While some risk management and SMS jargon may be necessary in some cases, be sure to keep it as easy to understand as possible. Safety management systems training should not overwhelm employees.

3. Keep Communication Open and Not Judgmental.

Employees should feel comfortable communicating safety concerns and feel like they are being heard.

Employees, vendors, contractors, and customers also need to feel free to communicate without fear of being reprimanded or judged harshly.

Encourage and affirm stakeholders' concerns, otherwise they are not going to report hazards or speak up when they need to, and this can cause breaches in safety.

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Safety Management Systems Must Be User Friendly

4. Make the System and Processes Easy to Use.

Whenever a system is too complicated to follow, it will be easy for an employee to just let small things slide. This opens the door to letting bigger, more dangerous things slide.

Along the same thread, when processes are too complicated, employees may perform them once or twice, but the prolonged practice of complicated procedures will seldom occur. Furthermore, when management is not committed to following through and "managing" employee behavior, the SMS program will suffer.

5. Use Incentives to Modify Employee Behavior.

Everyone loves an incentive!

While an incentive isn’t the primary reason an employee should be concerned about safety, it does encourage people to stick to their safety habits when it’s easiest to become complacent. When everything is going well, people are lulled into letting safety habits slide, which opens the door to danger.

Not every employee is motivated by the same "carrot." Some employees desire recognition, while others prefer small tokens, such as monetary prizes or small gifts.

Safety Management Systems Don't Have to Be Boring!

Six ways to increase participation in aviation safety management systems (SMS)

6. Make SMS Fun!

You board the plane, find a place for your carry-on, and find your seat.

The flight attendant asks for everyone’s attention as they talk you through what to do in the event of an emergency.

They’ve said it a thousand times.

You’ve heard it at least a hundred.

Nobody wants to give their attention to another boring safety briefing. But we all remember the flight attendants that made it fun.

Some give safety briefings to the rhythm of a rap.

Others punctuate the briefing with jokes or funny phrases.

These unique presentations maintain everyone’s attention and make it fun for everyone. This is also true for safety management programs. A lot more is learned and retained when the fun is involved.

Safety Programs Benefit Company and Industry

Safety management systems are very important to the health of aviation service providers and to the entire aviation industry. Therefore, we should make them as easy to use and implement as possible.

A good safety program enhances the company without bogging down the employees with superfluous information and procedures. As a result, the employees will

  • be motivated to exercise good safety habits,
  • feel they are valuable to the team, and
  • the company will have a positive workforce of safety-conscious individuals who help and support one another in the pursuit of safety.

Have You Read

User-friendly hazard reporting systems increase employee involvement in aviation safety programs. This Hazard Reporting Solution offers many user-friendly ways to report:

  • hazards;
  • customer complaints;
  • security issues;
  • compliance matters; and
  • environmental concerns.

Watch 3 Hazard Reporting Solution Videos

Last updated May 2024.

Topics: 4-Safety Promotion

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.



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