SMS Pro Aviation Safety Software Blog 4 Airlines & Airports

How to Review Your Aviation Safety Risk Management Procedures

Posted by Christopher Howell on Dec 30, 2018 1:19:25 AM

Why Review Safety Risk Management Procedures?

Aviation safety managers come and go. At the most volatile organizations, we see safety managers change every six months to a year.

The reasons safety managers leave their positions include:

  • Promotions;
  • Demotions (usually from poor safety audit results);
  • Voluntary resignation (overworked, lack of management support); and
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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

5 Useful Safety Performance Monitoring Tools in Aviation SMS

Posted by Christopher Howell on Dec 27, 2018 1:03:00 PM

What Is Safety Performance Monitoring in Aviation SMS

Safety performance monitoring in aviation SMS is the primary way you will assess your safety program. This assessment happens in two different ways:

  • Passively, such as in the case of high, system-level performance monitoring, such as trend identification; and
  • Actively, such as in the case of daily performance monitoring of safety issues, including their associated hazards, risks, and control measures identified during issue management.
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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance, 2-Safety Risk Management

How to Incorporate Fatigue Risk Management Into Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Dec 26, 2018 4:21:00 AM

What Is Fatigue Risk Management

Fatigue is one of the most important factors in overall operational safety. It’s so important that most aviation safety management systems adopt additional and specific measures to combat fatigue. Fatigue risk management includes:

  • Fatigue monitoring;
  • Fatigue controls;
  • Fatigue data gathering; and
  • Fatigue policies and procedures.
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Topics: Aviation SMS Implementation, 2-Safety Risk Management

Cybersecurity in Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Dec 25, 2018 4:45:00 AM

What Is Cybersecurity

The aviation industry relies heavily on computers for every touchpoint of aviation service, from ground to flight operations. Cybersecurity is a term that refers to the safety of such computer systems – it is also called info-security. If nefarious individuals were able to get access to some of your computer systems, they could pose a catastrophic threat to flight operations.

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Topics: 1-Safety Policy, Quality-Safety Management

Why/When Aviation Safety Managers Don't Need Operational Experience

Posted by Christopher Howell on Dec 24, 2018 6:51:00 AM

What Does Being an Aviation Safety Manager Mean?

Aviation safety managers are responsible for the development, operation, and continuous improvement of our world's aviation safety management systems (SMS). Safety managers facilitate the management of all safety-related issues according to ICAO's requirements following the four pillars:

  • Safety Policy;
  • Safety Risk Management;
  • Safety Assurance; and
  • Safety Promotion.
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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

3 Things Proactive Aviation Safety Managers Never Do

Posted by Tyler Britton on Dec 23, 2018 10:52:00 AM

Healthy for the Program, Healthy for the SMS Manager

Proactive aviation risk management is an organizational-wide effort towards identifying risk and mitigating hazards before an incident occurs.

For an aviation safety management system (SMS) to get to a point of proactive aviation safety, there will be considerable upfront work required. As you probably know from personal experience – aviation safety managers:

  • Spend years implementing their aviation SMS
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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

Why Should We Implement Aviation SMS?

Posted by Christopher Howell on Dec 22, 2018 10:51:00 AM

Resistance to Aviation SMS

Considerable numbers of aviation managers in the United States and a few other countries groaned when ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) mandated that most aviation service providers implement formal aviation safety management systems (SMS).

Americans, by nature, are rebellious against government involvement in commercial activities. This is why the U.S. is further behind the formal SMS implementations than a few other parts of the world, such as Australia, Canada, and now the European Union.

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

Safety Chart: Monitor Safety Concerns in Real Time in Aviation SMS

Posted by Tyler Britton on Dec 21, 2018 6:05:00 AM

Why This Aviation Safety Chart Is Important

Having "real-time" safety charts saves aviation safety managers, executives, and employees a lot of work and keeps them informed of the latest hazards and risks affecting aviation-centric operations.

Having access to real-time safety charts allows management to monitor your SMS program at a glance, rather than having to navigate through your software or aviation safety database to find the desired information. Over longer periods of time, this saved time and energy adds up to substantial sums, especially when you consider:

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Topics: Risk Management Software

What Is Modern Aviation Risk Management Cycle - With SMS Resources

Posted by Christopher Howell on Dec 20, 2018 5:08:00 PM

Aviation Risk Management Cycle

Risk management has always been the core element of effective aviation safety programs. Before the advent of formal aviation safety management systems (SMS), aviation service providers managed operational risk in their everyday activities, but certainly not in a formal, structured process that has now become the adopted worldwide standard.

This standard has been initiated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 2006. You can learn more by reading the SMS guidance material.

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

How to Use Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) in Aviation Safety Management

Posted by Tyler Britton on Dec 19, 2018 5:33:00 AM

What Is Plan Do Check Act (PDCA)

Plan Do Check Act is a simple but effective process to use when implementing risk controls through corrective-preventative actions. The PDCA process is initiated after you discover some deficiency/weakness in your SMS that poses an unacceptable level of safety, such as after an aviation SMS audit, reported safety concern, or trend analysis.

The things to keep in mind about PDCA are:

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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.



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