SMS Pro Aviation Safety Software Blog 4 Airlines & Airports

Christopher Howell

Manage global operations for aviation safety management systems (SMS) software that facilitates regulatory compliance, such as ICAO, FAA, Transport Canada, IS-BAO. Manage software engineering support efforts to local Alaska businesses. Assist in design, implementation, testing and documentation of complex, three-tier Windows applications relying heavily upon secure Web services technology.
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Recent Posts

How to Design an Aviation Safety Database for ICAO SMS Programs

Posted by Christopher Howell on Jun 1, 2022 12:19:24 PM

You Probably Need a Safety Database, Right?

I'm guessing if your airline or airport has more than 20 employees you will need a database for many of your SMS requirements.

If you don't have the budget for a database, or if you are one of those talented safety managers with excellent IT skills, then you can build your own safety database.

In this article, we demonstrate how you can design your own safety database within an hour or two.

So let's get started.

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

SMS Chart: Where to Focus Hazard Identification Training & Risk Mitigation

Posted by Christopher Howell on May 4, 2022 6:00:00 AM

Aviation Safety Charts Monitor SMS Performance

Aviation safety charts provide aviation safety management teams with an invaluable visual presentation of their aviation safety management system (SMS) performance. Yet it should not be only the safety managers that should be reviewing these safety charts. The accountable executive has much more at stake.

For every SMS implementation, the accountable executive is responsible for

  • Ensuring the SMS implementation is performed across the organization;
  • Regularly reviewing organizational safety performance; and
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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

4 Hard Truths About Hazard and Safety Reporting in Aviation SMS

Posted by Christopher Howell on Apr 20, 2022 6:19:00 AM

Safety Reporting Process Will Make or Break an Aviation SMS

You could also say that lack of hazard and safety reporting in an aviation safety management system (SMS) can break a company.

Hazard reporting is critically important to any aviation service provider if it wants to benefit from its investment in the required and voluntary SMS. It’s equally important that aviation safety professionals have an open dialogue about what the important discussion points are and what problems are endemic to the aviation SMS.

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

10 Great Reports to Monitor Safety Performance in SMS – With Examples

Posted by Christopher Howell on Sep 7, 2021 6:06:00 AM

Most Important Questions to Monitor Safety Performance in SMS

Monitoring safety performance in aviation safety management systems (SMS) is undoubtedly one of the most important tasks you will undertake in your SMS. Regulatory requirements turn to monitoring the performance of the SMS from a "nice-to-have program" for reducing risk and avoiding accidents to a "must have and must demonstrate proof" to comply with SMS regulatory requirements.

Safety performance monitoring is integral for maintaining Safety Assurance and the integrity of your SMS program.

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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

2 Reasons Top Safety Managers Fail in Aviation SMS

Posted by Christopher Howell on Aug 26, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Aviation SMS Implemented in Top-Down Approach

Every aviation safety management system (SMS) must be implemented in a top-down fashion.

There can be no other way, regardless of how liberal you think your company is.

But what is the top-down approach, and why are safety managers failing at SMS implementations when using this "top-down" SMS implementation strategy?

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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

3 Benefits of Aviation Safety Management System (SMS) Databases

Posted by Christopher Howell on Aug 10, 2021 7:00:00 AM

What Are the Safety Management System Databases?

In early 2007, when we started designing and developing SMS Pro, I was mildly surprised that many aviation safety managers called a Web application to manage aviation safety events a "safety management system" (SMS) database.

I'm an IT guy, and when I think of a database, I'm thinking about Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, etc.

I believe the confusion comes from pilots who are used to dealing with MS Access databases.

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Topics: Aviation SMS Implementation, Aviation SMS Database

3 Best Tips Selecting Aviation SMS Key Performance Indicators - Free KPI Resources

Posted by Christopher Howell on Aug 3, 2021 1:03:00 AM

Safety Managers Suffer Common Problem Selecting Valuable KPIs

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) measures how effectively aviation service providers are achieving key business or safety objectives. Civil aviation authorities also use KPIs to evaluate their success at reaching safety targets.

When focusing on safety, there is a tendency of some safety professionals to use the term "safety performance indicator" (SPI) to differentiate pure business metrics from safety metrics. Rest assured, SPIs are subsets of KPIs.

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Topics: Key Performance Indicators

4 Tips to Monitor Employee Safety Performance in Aviation SMS

Posted by Christopher Howell on May 27, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Aviation Safety Performance Begins at the Lowest Level

80% of aviation service providers have trouble getting employees to participate in aviation safety management systems (SMS).

Most safety managers accept this challenge and strive to implement consistent safety promotion activities, such as

  • Safety newsletters;
  • Safety surveys; and
  • Safety meetings.
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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

How to Create an Org Chart for Aviation Safety Programs

Posted by Christopher Howell on May 18, 2021 6:00:00 AM

What Is an Organizational Chart's Purpose in Aviation SMS?

A professional, task-driven safety manager has been assigned to implement an airline or airport's safety program. Under "safety policy" one section of the safety manual requires an Organizational Chart.

Most professionals know an org chart when they see it, but what goes into the org chart for the safety program? What is the easiest way to create this org chart? Why do we have an org chart in the safety management program?

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Topics: 1-Safety Policy

Why Aviation Safety Managers Fail Without Dept Head Support in SMS

Posted by Christopher Howell on May 13, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Problem of Aviation SMS Entirely Left to Safety Managers

For many aviation service providers, implementing and sustaining aviation safety management system (SMS) remains the sole province of the safety managers. This is true whether you are an:

  • Airline
  • Airport;
  • Aviation maintenance organization (AMO or MRO);
  • FBO;
  • ANSP; or
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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.



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These two on-demand videos offer:

  • High-level overview of SMS Pro;
  • Hazard Reporting & Risk Management walk-through.
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