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Aviation Safety Student

Aviation students write safety articles as one of their requirements for an Aviation Safety Management Scholarship

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Six Ways to Improve Safety Culture in Aviation SMS

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Apr 24, 2024 6:30:00 AM

Safety Management Systems Bore Most Employees

Unlike those who study and create safety management systems (SMS), to the average employee these programs can be boring.

It’s not that the average employees don’t value safety, it’s just that they need to see how these programs are beneficial to them personally.

So how can we change our safety culture and encourage participation in aviation safety management systems? Below are six ideas on how to get people involved:

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Topics: 4-Safety Promotion

How to Implement Effective Control Measures

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Dec 6, 2023 5:21:00 AM

What Are Control Measures?

When you identify a hazard within your organization, the first step is to analyze the risk. If the risk is high, then you need a control measure to reduce risk to acceptable levels.

Any change made to the existing system to reduce risk is a control measure.

Control measures can be simple or complex. Using a less hazardous chemical might be a simple control. Designing and installing a new ventilation system would be more complicated.

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Topics: 3-Safety Assurance

How to Use PAVE Checklist for Aviation Risk Management

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Sep 20, 2023 5:00:00 AM

Understanding Proactive Hazard Analysis Process

The best way to recognize and mitigate immediate risks associated with aviation hazards is by using the PAVE checklist to analyze your current safety environment. PAVE is an excellent and expedient flight risk assessment tool (FRAT).

Each risk scenario can be grouped under a part of the PAVE checklist and can help with recognizing both the hazard and the need to react for a particular mission. The need to react may be one of your control measures identified during the proactive hazard analysis process.

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

What Are Important Factors of Aviation Risk Management Process

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Oct 12, 2022 6:01:00 AM

Aviation Risk Management Process Based on Reality

The aviation industry is one where the stakes are always high because human life is involved and the "aviation system" is an open system that is impossible to totally control.

Many have sacrificed their lives for the thrill of flight. Over the years, aviation risk management has emerged to prevent unnecessary loss of life and property.

Risk management processes are only effective when

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

Safety Promotion From Flight School Aviation SMS

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Jul 13, 2022 6:00:00 AM

Safety Promotion Places Safety Into Our Conscious Zone

An aviation safety management system (SMS) can encompass many different elements but has one overarching goal: improve aviation safety.

The best way to achieve that goal depends on what kind of SMS you participate in. Not all SMS implementations are equal. Some operators merely want to check the box. Others may have a distrustful attitude toward management. Consequently, the type of SMS implementation, as well as the "potential" effectiveness of the SMS will be dependent on:

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Topics: 4-Safety Promotion

3 Main Components of Aviation Risk Management

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Jul 29, 2021 4:45:00 AM

Aviation Risk Management Requires a Safety Mindset

Aviation risk management is a vital part of being a well-rounded pilot. The safety mindset works best every time flying.

Although all components are important, perhaps the most vital of them all is understanding the importance of "aviation risk management."

The textbook definition of risk management is a decision-making process that relies on

  • situational awareness,
  • problem recognition, and
  • good judgment
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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

What Are Elements of Safety Culture in Your Aviation SMS

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Apr 15, 2021 5:53:00 AM

Elements of Healthy Safety Cultures in Aviation

Aviation is known as a safe industry; we have statistics showing that it’s safer to fly than it is to drive a car. But what makes it so safe? Should industry really be focused so heavily on safety management systems (SMS) when we enjoy such high levels of safety?

Elevated levels of aviation safety performance certainly didn’t happen by chance but by careful planning and the creation of a culture of safety. There are certain elements that aviation service providers consider to attribute to safe operations. These elements make up a healthy safety culture.

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Topics: 4-Safety Promotion

How to Sell Aviation SMS to All Employees - Improving Safety Cultures

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Aug 21, 2019 5:17:00 AM

Three Ways to Encourage Participation in Your Aviation SMS

Many aviation service providers struggle with overcoming the difficulty of increasing participation and buy-in for their aviation safety management system (SMS). However, increasing participation in SMS doesn’t have to be difficult. After all, it is not rocket science.

Employees in your organization will be much more likely to participate if you design your SMS to be:

  • Inclusive – make sure all employees understand their role in the SMS;
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Topics: 4-Safety Promotion

4 Best Safety Practices for General Aviation Pilots

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Jul 11, 2019 6:07:00 AM

Safety Management Systems Not Just for Large Operators

When we think of safety management systems (SMS), it’s easy to think of big operations such as major airlines and large international airports.

General aviation pilots and smaller aviation service providers need their own safety management systems as well, albeit not as complex as those maintained by larger operators.

Below I’ve outlined a few safety habits I’ve learned as a general aviation pilot.

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

Tips to Sharpen Aviation Risk Management Skills

Posted by Aviation Safety Student on Jul 10, 2019 6:12:00 AM

Aviation Risk Management Skills Always Need Refining

Pilots have to be committed to safety.

At the end of the day, safety is the most important thing in aviation.

Whenever aviation service providers take risks with safety, they are possibly risking their own lives and the lives of others.

An aviation professional who is successful in risk management is a person who is:

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Topics: 2-Safety Risk Management

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.



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  • High-level overview of SMS Pro;
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