SMS Pro offers over 20 pre-configured hazard reporting forms to fit data acquisition needs for the safety reporting system of most aviation safety management systems (SMS).
These reporting forms are mobile responsive, which means that they look good on any sized screen, whether it’s an iPhone, your Android mobile phone, or a large desktop screen.
Default safety reporting forms include:
The majority of these safety reporting forms are simple and very easy to fill out; however, they gather all of the relevant information needed for a particular type of safety concern. Additionally, the process of submitting safety issues includes:
This process to submit safety concerns electronically to a centralized database can take a few minutes or 10-15 minutes, depending on the requirements of the safety concern in question. This safety reporting system meets the data acquisition requirements of almost every aviation SMS implementation, regardless of whether your operation type is an:
After spending time filling out and submitting a safety reporting form, it becomes extremely frustrating when something goes wrong. Maybe your internet is slow or cuts out. Maybe there is another problem. The outcomes that affect most aviation safety reporting systems when employees are unable to submit an electronic safety report are:
Fortunately, SMS Pro offers a solution to this problem. When you try and submit your safety issue, you will receive an error message if any problem occurs. At this point, you can reload the page and some new options appear:
An example of a failed submission appears below:
If you resubmit your safety issue then great! The problem is solved and everyone remains happy. If not, you still won’t lose your report data. You can:
In this method, there are multiple fail-safes to ensure that you don’t lose your information.
SMS Pro's safety reporting system has a recovery system that is designed to save time and keep your organization's safety culture intact. SMS Pro's report recovery feature is extremely useful for several reasons:
If anything, the various safety reporting forms – which work on any sized browser – offer even more incentive for employees to report identified safety concerns. These items should always be the primary goal in SMS implementations that are in the early stages of maturation:
All of these things give employees more incentive to submit safety issues, which offers more and better data for your aviation safety management system.
To see a video of how hazard reporting in SMS Pro works (along with many other SMS Pro demo videos), click on the picture below.
Last updated August 2024.