Aviation Safety Software Blog by SMS Pro

How Your Aviation Safety Program Preserves Freedom to Fly

Written by Aviation Safety Student | Mar 16, 2018 9:31:00 AM

How Aviation Safety Program Becomes Global Standard

The human spirit is a restless one, always seeking to push the boundaries of possibility.

Since the Wright brothers' first successful flight occurred only in 1903, aviation is relatively new to humankind. The nature of flight challenges people to come up with better ways to deal with risk.

The global standard, SMS, supports the aviation industry through

  • good organization,
  • safety assurance and
  • collaboration.

Essentially, SMS seeks to preserve and promote the freedom to fly.

How SMS Organizes Safety Programs of Aviation Service Providers

SMS helps organizations to be methodical and organized in their approach to safety. This world-class system assures organizations and customers that the best resources are being put forth to reduce risks associated with flying.

SMS is very effective in helping aviation organizations understand root causes of hazards so that they can deal with problems directly and effectively.

SMS is adept at seeking out, analyzing, and resolving dangerous systematic errors so that they do not cause accidents in the future. It targets "organizational accidents" which occur when causal factors influenced by an organization’s attitudes and practices lead to an unsafe situation.

By carefully analyzing an accident, SMS reveals ways in which the organization can act differently in order to prevent future occurrences. Since the development of SMS, studies show that commonly caused aviation accidents have been reduced significantly. (Federal Aviation Administration)

Safety Management System Promulgates Safety Assurance

As the global standard, your safety management system gives people a sense of security.

The evolution of safety management began in the 1950s with technological improvements. Shortly thereafter, a greater knowledge of human factors also worked to improve safety. At the end of the 1970s, safety management developed into an organizational affair. As a world-class business model, SMS is the result of a long line of developments in aviation safety programs. (Federal Aviation Administration)

The knowledge that such a developed approach to safety programs is in place at the Waterloo Wellington Flight Center makes me feel reassured every time I go for a flight lesson. It also makes passengers feel comfortable flying to their next vacation destination and makes businesses confident to rely on travel and transport by air.

SMS sets high standards for safety. It incorporates data in a thorough, logical, and actionable way (International Civil Aviation Organization 5-1). The high safety standards set by SMS help to keep the aviation industry afloat.

Many people are already fearful of flying. If the industry were to have a poor safety record or an ineffective way of dealing with risks, people may prefer other modes of transportation and alternate careers. Needless to say, without pilots or passengers, the aviation industry would be in trouble.

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An Effective Safety Management System Brings People Together

SMS facilitates respectful collaboration between all levels of any aviation organization. Its reporting systems ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, regardless of their position. This is extremely important because flying is a dangerous pursuit in which the decisions of one person can affect the safety of many others.

In 1999, a helicopter crash caused the death of seven people due to poor weather. The company, Coastal Helicopter Inc., was known to pressure pilots to conduct scenic tours in unsafe weather. (Von Thaden et al. 14) If Costal's management had made safety a priority and had been willing to listen to the opinions of their pilots, this accident may not have happened.

Flight School Safety Programs Give Students a Voice

The safety program at my flight school means that I know I have a voice, which makes me feel safe to fly. SMS offers assurance to aviators and passengers that the organization is doing their utmost to promote a safe environment.

SMS Facilitates Critical Thinking

Safety management systems also facilitate critical thinking at all levels of an organization. SMS is a decision-maker tool that involves an entire organization (Federal Aviation Administration). If the responsibility for safety was only given to a select few, students and pilots would not learn the importance of evaluating their environment for hazards.

Aviation Safety Is a Shared Responsibility

It is also best that people accept their share of the responsibility for their safety because it is likely that they understand their situation better than others. With everyone working together with the most effective Safety Management System in place, an organization can reach its maximum potential for safety.

As a student, I feel that the responsibility for safety given to me is preparing me well for my future. I hope to fly humanitarian aid to people in isolated locations having spoken with former humanitarian aid pilots, I know that my future will likely entail flying with minimal support, in potentially dangerous situations. Many unreached areas are uncharted, and I will likely have to act as my mechanic.

Safety Programs Preparing Pilots for Tomorrow

I can confidently say that I feel well-prepared because of the critical thinking skills I am learning at the flight center. For the privileged in the world, SMS means the freedom to fly to see family, to do business, and to travel for events and pleasure. To people depending on airplanes for humanitarian aid and medevac services, the ability to fly often means the difference between life and death. Imagine a world without reliable travel by air, imagine the world without SMS.

Manually processing all SMS documentation is seldom a sustainable solution. Aviation SMS software reduces the burden of SMS documentation and allows you to focus on more important safety activities.

Need tools to manage your aviation safety program? Learn how SMS Pro can help you satisfy FAA Part 5 requirements.

Last updated November 2023.